NTPC Limited, India's largest integrated power company, is preparing to launch a new edition of its flagship corporate social responsibility initiative, the Girl Child Empowerment Mission (GeM). The program is in line with the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao initiative of the Government of India and aims to eradicate gender inequality by nurturing the imaginations of girls and boosting their ability to explore opportunities. Girl Child Empowerment Mission provides a platform to young girls for their all-round upliftment and development through a month-long workshop during summer vacations.
Starting from April 2024, this new edition of GeM will connect around 3,000 meritorious children from deprived sections of the society across 42 identified locations of power sector PSUs. With this the total number of children benefiting from the mission will exceed 10,000.
What started as a pilot project in 2018 with just three locations and 392 participants has grown into a nationwide movement. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the program has continued to expand its reach and impact. So far, a total of 7,424 girls have benefited from it. The number of participants is continuously increasing every year. In 2023 alone, 2,707 girls participated in workshops across 40 NTPC locations spread across 16 states in India.
The mission focuses on the empowerment of girls through various programs and aims to identify and nurture their leadership qualities, so that they become future ready. This year's workshop focused on health, hygiene, safety, fitness, sports and yoga.
The Girl Empowerment Mission Workshop imparts skill development, confidence-building and counseling with a holistic approach for which it is widely appreciated. By equipping girls with the necessary equipment and providing them with support at all times, NTPC aims to pave the way for a bright future for the coming generations. It aims to empower girls to become agents of change, inspiring not only themselves but also their families, communities and the entire country.