A remarkable collaboration among several leading organizations has culminated in an extraordinary soft skills training program, which...
In an exceptional joint effort, The Jyotiswarnim Welfare Society, The Elite Educational and Welfare Society, Enroll Me...
India Book of Records, the leading records keeper of the nation, is known to promote and motivate...
Dehradun:- In a recent partnership, a group of esteemed organizations united to implement a program dedicated to nurturing...
Union Minister for Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Shri Dharmendra Pradhan launched ‘CRIIIO 4 GOOD’, a...
There is no dearth of talent and creativity in India. We have compiled a few of the...
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Standards Body of India, has announced that it has...
● Halp.co is Canada's Leading Study-Abroad Coaching Platform ● The Canadian Express Study Program is a...
Whistling Woods International (WWI), the globally acclaimed media and creative arts institute, has reached a significant milestone...
Dehradun, 03 Sep, 2023:- Alien Paradox Technologies LLP, a pioneering IT firm headquartered in Dehradun, is thrilled...