The keel laying ceremony of the sixth ship, designated by hull number 528 and named Magdala, marks...
In a significant stride towards nurturing innovation and creativity in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and...
Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges of our time, presenting significant threats...
New appointment to scale business growth and enhance profitability Exabeam, a global cybersecurity leader that delivers AI-driven...
Bangalore, 17 December 2024: As the clock strikes midnight and a new year begins, Forevermark invites...
At FY 2025 start, the top 11 listed developers announced 253.16 Mn sq. ft. of new housing...
Nearly half of workplace harm goes unreported, safety charity reveals Lloyd's Register Foundation calls for more regular,...
HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) recently signed an agreement with NLDS (National Logistics Data Services) to integrate...
The steel cutting ceremony for the first Next Generation Missile Vessel (NGMV) for the Indian Navy at...
Child Help Foundation (CHF), a Pan-India non-profit child-centric organisation, celebrated Children’s Day pan India through a...